Anterior Pelvic Tilt - How sitting maybe causing back pain.

Anterior Pelvic Tilt - How sitting maybe causing back pain.

The pelvis is a group of bones that connects the back and legs. An anterior tilt means it is tilted forward and is caused by shortened hip flexors and a lengthening of the hip extensors. Our sedentary lives can a major cause of type hip flexors. An anterior tilt forces our lower spine to curve leading to back pain and the leg bones to rotate in causing hip and knee pain.

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Posterior Deltoids - The cause of your rounded shoulders

Posterior Deltoids - The cause of your rounded shoulders

Our posterior deltoid can get tight during the day from hunching over our electronics and playing sport. This can cause poor posture, pain and reduced shoulder mobility. Try these exercises to help loosen and relax those tight shoulder muscles to help you stand taller and move better.

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Erector Spinae - The key to stabilising our spine

Erector Spinae - The key to stabilising our spine

The erector spinae muscles are deep back muscles that surrounds your spine. Together they straighten your back, pull your head back, and arch your back backward. They become tight because they are compensating for another muscle and can cause lower back pain. Here are some mobility exercises and yoga poses which can help.

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Pelvic Tilt - A great dance move but also a source of back pain

Pelvic Tilt - A great dance move but also a source of back pain

The next few week at Tight Muscle Tuesday, we will be looking at the muscles that support our pelvis. The pelvis is a basin-shaped group of bones that connects the back and legs. It consists of paired hip bones which connect at the front and back. When the muscles that support our pelvis are tight, it can cause the pelvis to tilt leading to instability, poor posture and back pain.

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Anterior Deltoids - The cause of your rounded shoulders

Anterior Deltoids - The cause of your rounded shoulders

Our anterior deltoid can get tight during the day from hunching over our electronics and playing sport. This can cause poor posture, pain and reduced shoulder mobility. Try these exercises to help loosen and relax those tight shoulder muscles to help you stand taller and move better.

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